My Graphic Creations
Below is my collection of GIFs and graphic edits from over the years. It isn't alphabetized, but I do try to organize it all. Feel free to use these on your websites, forum accounts, etc! I have more to upload, I'm just lazy.
Misc. Stuff
Random stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else.

"Do The Evolution" - Pearl Jam Music Video
I've always been a big fan of Pearl Jam, and when I first saw this video as a teenager, it had a HUGE impact on me. Originally posted on DeviantArt April 17th, 2007.

The Breakfast Club - 80s Cult Classic Film
I've watched this movie so many times I've lost count. For funsies I made this series of GIFs for a Tumblr post. These were my first gifs, so they are a little awkward.

Dante's Cove - Early 00s Supernatural Gay Softcore Porn Soap Opera
I'd received this show on DVD by a gay friend who was trying to "clean up his mind". I was, of course, intrigued by what he meant. So all the guys on the show were hot, so what? This was a cable show. Surely it wasn't-- Oh! But it was. Steamy and definitely testing the limits for what was permissible on daytime television (even for a package addon), Dante's Cove will always hold a place in my dark lil' heart. These series of gifs were also made for a Tumblr post. I think Tumblr resized them (because I'm pretty sure I did them all the same size) so the original resolutions may be lost forever, sorry.

Various Anime

Various Video Game