My Art
Here you'll find my humble collection of (somewhat presentable) art. I used to draw all the time as a teenager, but I've fallen out of practice. Now that I have a working computer and a good drawing tablet, I'd like to get back into the habit!
I've added some of my older works for now. I'm currently working on newer illustrations, but I'm not as fast as I used to be.
I've split things up into three galleries: Traditional, Digital, and Graphics. Pretty self-explanatory, but the traditional gallery will include any and all work I've done using real life materials, and the digital gallery will comprise of anything done using my drawing tablet on the PC. Graphic Edits will comprise of digital images I've edited and altered using existing media. (buttons, animations, gifs, etc.) The latter are free and available for anyone's personal use. If you'd like to use any of my other art for anything other than private use, I'd appreciate you asking me first. Scraps is my gallery of unpolished and WIP art.